Thursday 20 September 2012


5:13 ><61:3 <>!7:13I had a Black QP Swan on this Page Matins Dawn shift on 012/06/29 I lost the Last of 0.33 of
My Maestro
Manifesto to the Failed Banking Martix>The marvels of Qantum Physic:Mie Gaunxi <>No matter. It is pissing down with rain so i may spent my invisible earning writing you
AA<>PP Power Agape command Royal mail letter:Hourly rate £41. Practice is the matrix [my word for work; a basket of skill: Knott Chopped up alienating TCPCC skills.I am the Quantum
Practicing Marxist of the C21entury: I own the lot: material- dancing hands means of production handmade Potterycraft
Cambridge AI programme. Netmatrix My
Gallery the Reubriqu Cube and the Gold bars: My ceramic Tshirts which docement the rise and fall of The Big 4 since1991.I have turn debt into >< beyond The British flatp Brat Pack.
The democratic slowtime People's Art<> Every one has one. I have even turned my BGas bill into Modrians.

Land -House are what the Red Queen and Alfie Routen bequive to me so you see I have more assets than most banks .I have my concept bank in mind -
IcroweBanco- with the E has the potenial to fly in Cyberespace.That is what I love aboutgetting up in the morning; Mug of tea-decision >< Decision <>Total freedom few can handle it. Reconfigure your lover letter
to a stanger Ryan Malyk:central European ring: the guys names i am dealing with.Are you parent Jewish immigrants ?
I must ask Sally Anne the same question - is there a pattern emerging. Crowe when are you going to start the letter:this is
the script- The play = Court case. All theatre. Banks are globally failing the 99% because you are deluded thinking they are
Fait Quantum Cloud Confettii currencies [Quantum Alchemy] which are Powerlaws of Rocket engineering.What were you once called master of the Universe now you can't even organise your own shit
[Fear index ] that is beyond Bob Diamond's limited nouse:My PC is £141 >< Bounty bar<>Iron ration is starvation a week & the last thing i need is
outragious charges for
Deep Purple Lolipop Ladies [My Avatar] .The money and the banks belong to the Punter and then tocharge them the privelege of payin interest /surcharge on Overdraft/F in Newtonain mechanical time that is an outrage after
Big Bang. The Banking System is no longer for
People's People basic needs. We can be instrumental in helping you design aBespoked bank with citizens in mind- all you have to do is read- listen - ask criticial question. Relax and act on our
veracity of Trust
Saving Back re-brand it- ditch The Black Horse -to close to The Black Swan .AM Final 3><2 £ 5 to win =£21
Hi Ryan and Comrades LIbor <>Lying International Banking OutRage
Greeting from MM ><Wilde Coast: Hope you and your family are fettling
-Green-lean and mean.Where to start ? Oh! yes you could contribute to my
Virgin Blogg: iCroweYbiao. all kick off 11 moths ago:See Abstr.Philip Robison Unanswered letter and the arrogant - unco-operative Sally Anne Carasoulle Bank Manager.Time rich ><
Silver Surfer @71 I love Occurr^3 >< Phi: OLSX St Pauls >< Wall Street [ Superpostion ] Research knott me <> U W.H.Davis

No thyme to spare -relax and glare >< disconnect when greeting my carasoul Bank manager Sally Anne Pryjdun
Abuse of Power............[ Central European - certainly not British stock ? ] with the wink of her mouse she should have
dissolved the confettii digits and my careful concern for my overdaft facitily is resolved. Her lack of common manners and
concern for a Fairtrade for the power she holds in the community has an outsider when she refused to negoitaite a reason
request has turned me into a
A warrior People's advocate for a Spirit Level people centred banking sytem that works for meand my avatar
LLIOAH if you want to know what it means U can ask me in your next Royal mail Letter. Would have resolved in brightjuly 2011 this continious Quantum String ><sting in this Uncertainty Fiat Currency switch from BT<>
- Cockup. Wired Irony:They the power@ be are alway telling us to use our time to shop around and then we get shaft for your
effort, not this canny crow. With the stretch of her Black Swan neck [Naissen Taleb ] or The Black Horse's tail switchback fiat
harmony restore but she had neither the nouse or the resource to see she had pick the wrong guy to deny:This could go Viral.
Still on the the trail more cool hot -sexy than ever [Libor] the path less trod now barefooted trod with the smell of gunpowder
on the air and nothing to lose scaling fear.Robert Frost I wont drop any more poet's names but my Epistle [ Org.Gr.] ><
missile puts me in the target zone of being a brilliant wordsmith:No matter. That is why I am going for my star act in a
Crown Court of the Land 12 Good men & women - good & true. The abuse of the Bank Manager barring me for my excited news
from Andre @FOS: in wanted to convey to her.Now barred from my Landsite bank on Victoria Road: still without a letter explaining
her care><Less behaviour. All I had is a surprise visit a community policeman coming to my back door that same eventide telling
me there is a letter to follow; Still without the letter infringing my human rights. I sugguest you write her a
RM letter and put yourself in the court case Window.The only way I would win was to leave Lloyds:My local bank where my mother
The Red Queen a real Powerlaw in
Mablethorpe by the Sea had had her Bank A/C for 23 years. She is the undieing fabric of the community. Now I carry the torch and with TalkTalk it is going Global once Embryo ><Biao My Chinese Starson show me how to activaite it.
Has you can see from the Mimi statement i am paying £5 off a month and knott a penny more how ever much the surcharge
excape.To hold true to my £500OD/F agreement David arranged for me 2006.
Now being barred from the bank I have no intention of paying any more until my human rights are re-instated and I am
allowed to walk into the bank and pay £5 or whatever i can afford this month.I sugguest you contact her asking her to explain her
arrogant -outragious behaviour to a valued citizen and customer. Condition. Send me a letter of apology - allow me access
back on to the premises
and I am not proscuting her for the infringment of my human right: Knott to mention 169 hours of invisible earnings @£41 = 41X 169 = £6,992 :169 a hours I have spent sculpting and continoiusly redisign and honing my wordy weapons- slowly
slowly catches the unaware.I ain't about to lose the patent >< Patient : has in PC<>PC [SP] . It is the Banks that need surgery.
you instruct her back on to the right path of care and concern when a olde gentle man bring you his trouble art ><heart to her surgery
. I now carry the torch for 71% voicess and knott has well educated and passionate about defending Lolipop Ladies in
Purple Ascot hats as I am until I shed my immoral ><immortal coil -uncoiling -Death :that hat - is all I have to fearLuv & Death <>My Alpha Omega. Mie Gaunxi [Chinese for No Matter] Just for a matter of Any Questions? How much are
MP OD/F£25,000 -£51,000 - £1,4100.?
I want you you to raise mine to a £1000 and send me a new card has the well travel SC is now Lattice art on the Wall. On Beach/P I have come with Issocles Phi. Bank is rebrand Lattice ><Money is lace much more SP
><QPhysics and the ArtEtecture is A Flatp Lace hankey I am buiding on my Apple Mamarx 3Dprinter .......Beyound The Shard

do believe i have just realise how to set the Left hand margin <>push the cursor to the right One day i am more Geek than Greek
I am now a People Warrior for audacious rights for the little People and for my CC hearingGot the outfit: a little Black No.I :already have the Ascot:simplely spray it
Deep Purlpe.
Great publicity maye make the Redtops. Gov can you lend me a scrape of LACE
We have to Re-invent the Banking System has if People mattered:Let it make sense to Gaia's CitizensA people Centred Vision for The Rainbow Quantum "C21Century Society. Yaorekia !!! 
2 Page

Has I tell all the Utilities
if i have the common manners to write them an Agape RM love Letter: how they can keep it simple . I maypay my bills in my own sweet time when my
PC support a surplus beyound my iron rations:with no bonus of late charges which I haveno intention of paying [hidden tax on the poor <>National Lottery [SP] . I expect and by law have a right to a person to person reply within
13days.They have never replied in 13 years :knott 1 of them, but they have never dared take me court - tomorrow and Tomrrow
unscrolls our little lives -tissues of clouds and dreams streaming Madness Who is that? Will Shakespeare Tempest BBC4.
/// thinking on Utube there is an educattional cartoon Money is Debt - well worth a window. Am i on page Yes 2
Back to the Sandscript. Common curtsey
. Not automated final demands in Red to frighten Anish Kapoor and the fearful lead :Court action threatening- Legal jargon and parasites in the loop.I don't need layers. I am my own DIY Barrister and when I turn up
in Court the opposition doesn't show. Just me and Judge Jaws and i am explaining to him CDO <> BIsto >< Haircut Derivatives
and a Dead cat bouncing but he is none the wiser: you need to cut the sod- dig the dirt. Have you read The Fear Index. Robert Harris?
The Engima Machine -CERN connection. I am knott over impress: What do you think? You are distorying the Wreched of the Earth
Francis Faron The Algerean Liberation War- When is that? For what your children's latest iPod overdesign -built like a BMW & overload
of crap Apps.If I get lost in London, want to know where The Science Museum is or where there is a exciting pub I ask a Stranger.
It is called the art of living in the vibrance of the here & how: I am geting in the Zone. Andy Murray Centre Court 13:45 Now 14:13
Ipod from ///Universe Next door June 30.2010 This is fast turning into an Artmatrix Heard of the guy Marcel Duchamp1927.
If say it is art It's the Dog's Bollock. Xia'n City Railway station 17:13. Slow train - day late ><No monies. 1 Yuan
and sea of humanity -digits No chinese tongue. My
Black Horse Debit/Visa smart card in my back pocket [ LLoyds is not big in China ] NO mobile phoneTicket to ride 1 RMB going somewhere.These Chinese -English tongued devine women used their China Mobiles to connect me
with Dr Yao@ Xia'n City Teaching Hospital. I love
lively conflict - unknowable social intercourse and stranger knott yet met are my new friend: you can't haptic touch on Facebook. You are a facebook aquaintance from the Customer's -an anoymous cipher has yet and
I am the 1 who is causing waves. " I hope I have restored your faith in us
" NO - Knott by a ChalkWalk .The journey has just begun You need to introduce Face <>Face. Belly to belly. Bum to bum ><Back to back viscal contact back into the banking system that I am
trying to to help you create for love ><Free ........for the
Commonwealth of all. A listening Bank: we once had them they are called The Midland Bank. Period ><Stop.15:13 Watch Tennis have a chinese beer from LIdl £1.69 Mamarx memory is restored RELAX Yes <>No. Yes Andy Murray thru to Semi-finals Friday : You Ryan get your Antique RShow Letter March 25th 2041:renouned signiture:Remember
Cigerette cards >< Smart cards are C16entury Portrait miniatures: What do they tell you to do -cut them up. THey feature in Wallhang
The Plastic Arts 2005. All The Safari Trophy Heads .Morgan Stanely : Virgina Snake skin : Shell: Capital Uno and
OU Butterfly all with a
unique signiture >< their Provenance. A foil for my Ceramic T shirt profiling the mendacity of the Big 4 since my Ist oneman showin the Crawford gallery in Cork City May :
A Festival of Fools. prophetic in flash back My Show Skiphahibat: an Installation.[Check out Crawford Gallery website] Oh let check out the Co-ordinates of where before Mamarx decide to lose her memory
and Sleep, per'hance to dream.
The archive in the Zone 2:13 Drum Rollup -black Tea & I am beginning to enjoy shape shifting Ariel >><><< The Iron Crowe
Money is confidence @ a deft debt of trust £50/100 <>1962 50 pence. Yes/No >< 012? Will that buy The sun Today ? Yes 40p

1:13 Wychcraft >< Snowy Owl shift Too Wit a woo: I am in the Zone:Why stay 24 X 7 in bed when I can - am changing the World You know that - was @ Cross country Champion in my School days><Long distance runner - Slowtime. Quote from Anna Karaina.
Why stay in bed when you can write a novel.No><No more steam of flow- Bloated- Blooming James Joycian. U have had your laugh
back to the archive. Print FCUK.
Please the narrative before the 0.25 Final Wednesday.
Then on the High street the Midland morph into HSBC are they resident for5 years?.Gone:now an Oxfam Style - recycle any old applaince -furnishing the dispoccessed and unjobs in an out of sorts seaside
resort.I wanted it for Community workmatrix with Kilns- glass works - jewellery where handmade souvenieres could be made & displayed
in Our Tidemarx Gallery made in
Magic Mablethorpe. UK. I am all up for squatting the Espace that the olde fashion word -verbfor OCCUrr^3 [Phi] shared Pie .But I am a 1 man band organising my Retro Perspective @ Damian Dotmatrix Louth Gallery cycling
30 miles a day -round trip.The nice irony is That Tidemarxs is neigbhour -next door so when Uguy leave town -leave the site to the
community. I guess you don't own it -pay a Peppercorn rent ?.Fablab >< work matrix: I easily add more layer - sky space .Off course
we would expect a few gifts PotteryCraft Kiln and Lazer 3Dprinter for putting The Marx Black Horse over the revolving doors. I 'll design
those with Liquid crystral Display Bullitin. Crowe they are still in Victoria Road: How long is an uncoiling QString ><Sting ?
Back to The ghost draft what can I cut

Now we need a new banking System with people in mind -on your radar: A new demension: Difficult in the age of Twitter and Internet banking. A
Turner Prize open to all of £100 grand for a People's People designed bank and a orginal word for bankTruststation ><Fiat Installation.We owe it to the UK customers & citizens has they are the biggest share holders has the banks
go into freefall.My book I start in 008 How to survive the Great Slump >< Depression 2008 > 0 < 2013 is ripe for press this Fall.
From ruffdraft The scrawl automated signiture in the formal " Your sinerely ". I see your is written up in Blue biro: Andre Reyneke.
FOS. Consumer Consultant is in
BLEU biro { he is the guy who kick arse for me} to stand out agin the Black print so I know he hashad a vital input in to the letter. The scrawl is a telling tales that Uguy are knott time rich. I notice the ritual when andy signs oversized
tennis balls. They have no time to stand & stare :write their name.It is a Logo and written into their contact to make marks for their
adorned fansThey are also fast time >< time short.How many complaints did U read and hand sign with your scrawl today ><
compare it to mime and your get a cartoon thrown in which is a self portrait in a hard won scrawl if U can read Chinese Character
calligraphy - clever stuff. I had spent 169 hours fast reaching 191 hours Telephoning - writing and trying to make appointments
to see my Carasual MB. This is my invisible earning- making pots sacrificed in order to get a letter now from Philip Robinson
anchor in
Brighton by the sea: I am prepare to catch a N.Epr bus to greet the man face to face. Eyeball >< to check the tired look hasn't shave this morning.That I am a 3D person with concrete concerns:for my
Lolipop Ladies who get those ridiculous Redletter failing automatic Final demands. Now I have contact with Yougs: !3 years in the design stages - play the line -on the wire. I am
in the zone 4:13 and still havn't had a African Marrygold fag.Stop ><Peroid that is your limit Crowe Side A & B of A4 sheet.
These Uguys live in fastime -time poverty >< consider how they grow olde before they have dawn...........................
Engineered more Espace 5:13 I am sure U have the grit: I sense you know - have a
Silvered Darling ><Farthing [SP] that I amsparkling advocancy for
PPPowerlaws in the Peoples vision centred new banking matrix in The quantum Society revolutionaryevolving Yes to the
veracity @ audacity to trust the Critical Mass of Humanity to redesign a money Lattice to meet their green mean needs
.Samual Pepys Diary :To bed and sleep. Thank you for your Time & energy:Have a surprising Gay day.
Louth Gallery March 2012/03/ 25

Michelle and Dynasty of daughters

 6:13 Bathing Beauty Shift MM Dirac Connectedness >< Coherence AIChing Machine To Michelle Obarma WH <>Washington DC..
012/08/08 Quantum Physics [ Superposition ] The Global Community <> Society 99% +1% = C21entury Quantum CivilizatiionDanah Zohar. Chinese emergence
: is China still paying the interest on ther Fait Dollar Leverage >< debt? Faith. Hope and Charity ,but the greatest of these is Mud ><Love.........3Dprinter 1200Sp ><[SP]
Fablab Open access Power of making V&A Museum 2011 Geek -hands on art made by Everybody everywhere and anywhere <>Erehwon [ Google Samual Butler ]
Moving towards docking station of the Cross >< The Hope of Audacity @ Curoisity = AI <>GI on Mars:
China land Manned mission2041/03/25 . My 100 birthday
. Red Queen my mother born 27/08/1908 -died 22/10/2005. My father Maestrobaker 30/6/1908 dead 90.Your well time secound
Royal mail letter to the Whitehouse. Now registered -guiltedged more money Via Xia'n City ><NY ><London and
Magic Mablethorpe The Reubrique Cube^5 Matrix = material - means of productions and The Marx ArtisanPeople's people Powerlaw base >< My unique dancing dieing hands in my 71year to Ceramic Heaven. AA gift to Uguys from the 99% :the connection Africa
Mzuzu . Lake Malawi and Hillside TT .College Bulwayo. Zimbabwe 1981 Delta Gallery. Harare. Howard HigginsCrowe
cut to the Flightpath this doll has a country to run with her Alpha male Barrack and save the World:David Wilcock 2012 Enigma Google.Chill out I have sense:Spent my life to reach this precise point of take off ><Re-entry ........Perfection and I am a 1 silver bearded surfing Rockman
fearing only Love and death. Break /period 11:31Thyme for Floatation Meditation on
My Goddess. The North Sea VR free sex .I >player BBC4 Radio Godslot 9:45 Pointof View John Grey The False Dawn:The Failure of Global Capitalism >< TCPC CapitalismFinancial Repression >< Depression [Superposition ] All of a sudden
..........a Pink Ferraria Quantum Physic is everywhere .ATM ><whole in the wall ><
QQ Hi Michelle and your Dynasty of daughters, Still no swim -Disconnect >< connect June 2010 BP fouling -abuse of the community of The Gulf of Mexico is the first time I offer you The Black Audacity Singularity before jetstreaming to Hong Kong to find my Ceramic coiled Ikon ><
Site Pacicific for the 4 Chinese dragons I made for the handback of HK 1841><1997.No joy. Hard no sleeper train to Xia'n Cityto find
Dr Yao Wow now and make your ceramic joy in the City of The Terrorcotta Army made by a UK artisan glazed byChinese alchemists. A presnt from the People's People Republic of China >< No joy. AI WieWie >>>>>Mie QuanxiThe sharp discipline is to get your massive missile on Uno side of an A4.....Mastermind
<>Maestro of the Universe NomoreI am a obsessive nerd ><geek <>Greek agape RoyalMail blogger ><Flatpmat art @ letters Laminated, design your own heart><art -
habitat in a free access Fablab Manchester made in the UK on a coffee size dispenser 3Dpinter. Replicated orginals 10' x 10' x 12 Inches. Addition of how many but you have the Quantum String coiled orginal Crank Ceramics for
5000 years :No high maintiance and i get the Provanence -ever ahead of the swerving curve in
Powerlaw PPart. Now for that swim = a pint and a pipe Stopping Thyme 13:13 Robert Hughes dies :Art Critic. "Shock of the New " 1980 Times NY.
dance - glance ><Chance. I saw you bouncing @ The Olympic Park by Anish Kapoor Orbyte<>immaculatedresscode- visiting poor ethnic enclaves in The East End inspiring the E generation: NO work now the UK is made in
China. They are coming to build our secound term Nuclear power stations with their techicians & labour force.Fine that us Brits can still do
Pomp and ceremony riding carbon fibre Nanosec .bikes. Andy Boyle's Blakian Green Idyle - Satanic mills forging the 5 rings of
Middle Earth & Heatherwick's 205 Fractal Cauldron mirage the Filmic genuis of the flailing exccenticity of ghost Empire enterprise dynasty.
Now the UK is a themed Daiseyland for Grockcalls. It did cost £27Million to stage with 2500 volenteers. A responsible use of the citizen
>< taxpayer's money in the Great Depression of 2012 ><14 ? When the IntN Banking Maffia is floundering in corruption due to
their lack of education in Quantum Physics and Nanosec.emergence @unforseen consequence at incoherence : THe Black Swan .
The dead Cat boucing The Bears and Bulls ><Bisto in a toxic Blackwhole in Wall Street invent by rocket scientist from Nasa ><NO matter <>Antimatter.
Reuben what are U waffling on about UFO :Having fun with words and my own stream of consciouness.
Following The Jame Joycian Graffettii ball [BMF] of fusion twine: AA QPstring><sting.I am by destiny at the Crown Court hearing when I love Occurr^3 [Phi]
is finally evicted from Squatter'sTent City @ ST Pauls: now ikonic on your artmatrix Marx 1:The Wretched are inheritingGaia's Mantle
99%. They lost that battle,but you are knott evicting the precise matrix of the Iphone shoots:rise of Fablab Marxism-make your ownPC >< PC Mines Pension Credit -iron rations £141 a week. Industrious CD ><Iching Machines =ME. Re -emergence of OLSX
Spring Equinox
UK the Marxist March ><March 2013 [SP].We need to invent civil society has if people matter -connect
Michelle ><Queen of the dispossessed of Hearts><Arts: The wizards stopping time -preening Faceless Facebook.Where are we? Going for Gold .Greeting from the
Wilde Coast -Magic Mablethorpe by the Sea. U Could put something on Virgin Blogg
icroweybiao. Been there a year and knott aknott or a hit: I think that is very clever.I realise a blog is a poor Greek's ><Geek website and when would I have wychcraft tyme to anwser 1041 hits. Oysterflashback to orginal concept St Margret Hospital HK No money ><
No insurance.lying on bed in my own shit: My Indiajet leaves Archertime 19:17 Lapkock INT.airport.1423 Clean up in the ladies
No shower -No help. Moviescript One Flown Cookoo. Bus going Nowhere ><anywhere. RMT>< Heathrow: The genius of The Iron Crowe. In isolation and
desperation I continue my Bloodymind fight to come up with the dual ultimate
AI Ching Machines. Marx 11 -111- 1V and Yes Yaorikia V and wehave lift off <> Of Course.The coiled Quantum String
5DKlein bottles from the Universe next door >< Mie gaunxi <>No matter.....1719
By the magic @ reducing Fonts <>Characters [SP] I have created Espace:Flash Infinity. I am in Louth @ Louise my Bespoke tailor to collect my new Purple - Organge checked strides <>Paris <>Xia'n City: the material now materialized into
£91 bottoms of my Magee double beasted Donagaul renewed suit.Visit Damian Dotmatrix @ the New Louth Studio Gallery:Once Gratham where I bought my $1000 suit and he offers me a show for
naught.Lent him
Art and Revolution by John Berger.Get drunk.Sell his portrait of me has a Jewish Rabbi £66 and close in a week 012/03/25. My logistics are solved to get my awsome - amazing artmatrix to The WH. Washington DC 2012/10/22. Thinkiing in side Yang Biao
Eggshell Bleu boxmade in China. Black & White models .My Iching " White Swan prophency " for Zennor B OBarma: Assymetric infinity arrival 41% -49% Mitt Bollard. ................
51%......The Olympic Gold Medal President :The Genetic barcode from Kenya via Hawaii - Chicargo
The Whitehouse USA 2013 . No sweat><No matter :It is written in the Transcript<>Sandscript of Venus ><Genius
{ Quantum Physics}.The Gut Theory of Everything @ Naught -The Abbess><Abyss @ Audacity. 19:17 Archers. Story of Country FolkCook- eat perchance to dream Ceramic Bliss ><Peter Moss -my contemporary Cosmic Artisan.Your for the asking: Have a surprising gay day

Reuben Image >< Poet <>Pollymath Reuten Mirage <> Conceptual Sculptor.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Fiat Global monies - currency.

Hi guys

        Welcome our world in Tin Island UK.
Our Blog <<<<>>>> iCrowe Ybiao. Fiat Currency and the Failure TCPCC Imagination Turbo Charged Pornographic Casino capitalism For the Little People who matter. Little Old ladies in Purple Ascot hats who are knott afraid of the Big bad Banks:

who don't listen to the New Powerlaws on the Block >< The Blog.The Sliver Surfers over 65

Hi guys,

This is our first adventure into Epolitics- blogging for Little people: hope you are in fine fettle
green health and wealth the same has us brothers.The raw power in the Blogsphere.Freeing the Unfreedom of the democratic Image ><Mirage in Casino Capitalism.My Brand cause- campaign LOLIPAHs.
Pornographic supercharges on Overdraft Facility 0f £1000 or less.

How long is a Quantum coiled string? I am on Pension Credit - my weekly Bouny Bar of £139 which is faithfully paid to DD into my Lloyd'sTBS A/C every Sunday 13:13. Now in peasant- people simple logic has long has i don't go £5.£13.£23,£67 over my £500 O/DF which is peanuts in plastic money I am back in the Pink
-green every Monay morning with my £139 survival kit -life raft- Yes >< No-Poor /rich man - paradox.? QPmonies ?

   I have explained this to various Carasousel banker Manager but the they don't get the massage><message to re-establish cordial relationship with thier abused customers - owers of the failed banks. We own 41% of the Black Horse. Surley we should have a say in how our banks are run:or why should we bother being shareholders?

     I am a Powelaw man @ 71 who has little power in Tin Island UK, who lives alone....... time rich - Greek-half geek to influence the banks who do knott have the common manners to answer my demanding letters so let go global and command change for the enrichment of little Revolutionary People's live lifes NOW - Knott the Fat Cats>< thence our blog.

Do I wait for a reply or continue?

My 3 Commands are in this Manifesto

1. Has the taxpayers are shareholders in the failed banks they are beholden- under obligation- People's law -necessity to listen to the poor has we are the majority in the land.

2 All People over 65 on PC with Overdraft/F of £1000 or less - people on the minium wage and in reduced circumstances The poor require new laws to stop the banks bleeding the poor of their blood monies. Pornographic surcharges on poor's OD/F .

3 When people have the time and ability to write Real Royal mail- stamped address letters to the Head of Overdrafts Philip Robinson,  explaining in bespoke english how the OD/F ran to £571 and asking to negotaite a deal - it is called doing business. The guys does not have the common manners - decency to reply letter within the 13 days window of opportunity I allowed him. Icrowe that I am paying no more that the £500 overdraft loan back to the bank -The Black Horse in my own sweet Thyme.[The smell of liberated Time]

    Their automated letters telling me how much my daily surcharges on my OD/F are mounting - super Charges are going up - by the Hours- the days the months the years. They can go fly their kites. Has a Cause Celibre I am going on hungery strike - has there is little chance of them sending me to prision, has the prison are overflowing with rioters. The banks can whistle for their outragious rude unthinking farting charges.

Oh I have not informed you why I am in the powerseat once more. I have stopped having my PC. DD paid in to the Lloyd's bank - Hole in the wall anymore.There is no longer any money in my A/c- only the porno super charges: e- confettii digitail Cyber Espace numeracy. No cash Off course I have lost my £ 500 OD/facility- powerful knowledge is expensive to possess, but if you don't challenge the system> How do U test how powerful you could be for Humanity ?.
Little olde men in Basball hats worn backward.?The Fearfu majority.? I crowe. Now there is a real Powerlaw Idea >< Start our own bank@ the Beginning of the C21 entury Ybiao. Mie Guanxi. NO><Yes.

Thank you for your time and energy
have a surprising gay day.

Reuben R

 Lark shift 5:13 ><011/08/23 3 days of Blue Sky -Stormy weather forecast- Rain in the Humber.